Riverside, CA (Or Rivertucky as Lina calls it) was not quite what I expected from a city on the outskirts of L.A. The sunset was quite pretty on our way to the trailer park but I suddenly felt like I was back in Kansas again. I realized why a couple of minutes later as drove by a feed lot. I wasn’t looking forward to spending our time in Rivertucky smelling cow crap for the week and a half we expected to stay there and the feed lots luckily stopped as we neared the campground.
The campground was a very nice state park with a lake (stocked with fish with lines every morning to get in and fish) and tons of ducks, geese, peacocks, and other wild birds. We followed the winding road miles into the very rear of the park and found our campsite. We parked the trailer and spent about 15 minutes setting it before I looked to the east and found this lovely view. Oh no! another feed lot!
. We were very lucky that this campground allowed fires so we could try out our Christmas present from my mother, some racy wiener roasters as shown in the following pictures.