Can you believe that Chris has never been to a demolition derby?! Neither could I. So I took him to the Salt Lake County Fair in Utah to complete his education. There were 2 days of classic car crashing demolition derby, but we were only able to take in one. We had a great time. There was one female driver in the main competition. After the derby there was a “powder puff” competition. They invite women in the audience to pay a $25 admission fee and convince one of the drivers with a working car to let them drive. Chris really wanted to see me in there. But I didn’t like the sound of the phrase “convince a driver”. We stuck around to watch the powder puff round but it ended early due to an injury. The woman had to be airlifted out of the arena. The professional drivers make it look so easy. It wasn’t until we saw the women amateurs in the arena that we realized how difficult it is.