The herb hydroponic system we use is working pretty well, so I decided to see if I could grow some lettuce all year round. The only room for such a monster is in the spare room, which wouldn’t leave room for guests. So I built a shelf to hold both units. I haven;t brought the herbs downstairs yet.
I wanted the joints to be strong, so I made the most complicated joinery I’ve done to date at each intersection. I wanted to name the joint, but I can’t find any reference to it online. It looks like I created my own joint style that I’m calling the pain in the ass corner.
The joints themselves are terrible and it took a tube of wood epoxy to fill the holes, but I did get to use some hand-tool skills to create the joints. I also got to use my workbench as it is supposed to be used and it turns out that chisel-work is WAYYYYYY easier on a proper bench. I’m liking this new hand tool process and I’ll start making my sewing table with hand-tools and traditional techniques next year.
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